Cutrona Electric takes great pleasure in servicing the electrical needs of our neighbors here in our beautiful home state of Connecticut.
One of the amazing towns we have the honor of working in is Brookfield.
A few fun facts about Brookfield (courtesy of Wikipedia):
Brookfield was first settled in 1710 by John Muirwood, as well as other colonial founders including Hawley, Peck and Merwin. They bartered for the land from the Wyantenuck Nation and the Pootatuck Nation who were ruled under the Sachem Waramaug and Pocono.
Early people who lived in Brookfield were subsistence farmers, gatherers, and hunters. The main food sources were corn, beans, squash and wild foods found in the rocky, heavily forested foot hills of the Berkshire Mountains of Brookfield and New Milford.
Before 1912, the town had two train stations: one in the Iron Works District near the present Brookfield Market and a second, Junction Station, near the corner of Junction Road and Stony Hill Road.
Brookfield was selected as the best small town in Connecticut by Money magazine in 2013.